Specialist Gastroenterologist
Dr. Anoop Kumar Joshi pursued his Gastroenterology super specialization from the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India. He worked as Consultant Gastroenterologist and Therapeutic Endoscopist for almost 15 years in an exclusive endoscopy centre at Kota, Rajasthan. He has managed a large number of OPD and Therapeutic Endoscopic procedures in last 20 years.He was the chairperson in many national conferences including Indian Society of Gastroenterology (ISG), Indian Association of Study of Liver (INASL) and Indian Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ISGE).
Clinical Expertise
- Gastroscopy
- Colonoscopy
- Stricture Dilatation including Achalsia Cardia
- Pancreaticobilliary intervention including stent placements and CBD – stone removal
- Pancreaticobilliary diseases evaluation by EUS
- Endoscopic management of acute and chronic GI-bleeding including varicel band ligation, injection therapy and clipping
- Polypectomy and colonoscopic management of polyps and malignancies
- Management of critically ill patients of acute liver failure and chronic liver disease including
Hepatitis-B and severe acute pancreatitis.
- Management of acute GI-bleeding I Acute and chronic liver diseases and IBD
- Therapeutic ERCP and Management of critically ill patients of pancreatitis
- Evaluation of functional bowel disorders
- English
- Hindi
Contact US
Appointment : +971 44 06 3000
Emergency :+971 44 06 33333
Working Hours
Weekdays (OPD) – 9:00 AM to to 7.00 PM
Pediatrics, OB/GY – 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Friday – Friday Clinics (9 AM to 5 PM)
Emergency – 24*7
- Navigate Departments